Monday, October 1, 2012

well i heard that there are little bugs in the mud that crawl on the deer and bite them and give them a virus that is killing them off again kind of like blue tongue I'm not real sure what it is but I'm hopping that it isn't killing to many deer because the bucks haven't been as big as  they usually are i am really looking forward to the deer season this year


  1. That would suck if the deer population suffers another setback as bad as blue tongue.

  2. My dad is working in North Dakota rihgt now and he sayd that the bucks are big there is a lot of them arond. Maybe you could you up north and get some big bucks.

  3. The population needs to get up to where they used to be.

  4. If you get some deer this deer season, will you give me some meat? Yum!

  5. well i hope that that isnt true because not only has the population been reduced but we dont need a reviving pop. to have a setback like that.

  6. I haven't heard of that. Do you have any idea what kind of bugs they might be?
