Thursday, September 6, 2012

As you probably know that deer season is coming up. That mean's that you should be sighting in your weapon of choice and getting all your gear packed and if needed replace some of it. By the looks of things around here ive seen a few nice bucks a couple 5x5's and a few nice 4x4's and a good doe population. Hopefully when the snow falls i will bag a few little wabbits (rabbits) and a coyote or two. I recently just sighted in my new remington modle 700 classic 30-06 and now thirsty for blood


  1. Wabbits are incredibaly fun to shoot and expecially shooting them fury little animals with high powered rifles. All you can find on the ground after the shot went off is a blood splatter on the ground.

  2. best way to do it just pull the trigger and see a red mist
